Hidden Benefits of Broad Spectrum CBD Oil

Thrive Apothecary CBD
3 min readJan 1, 2021

A broad spectrum CBD oil contains a full list of cannabinoids along with other essential vitamins, terpenes, and flavonoids. There will be no measurable amount of THC inside. However, there are more benefits to it which most of us don’t know about. If you’re recently exploring a full extract of CBD oil, here are some of its unique selling points.

Seven less known facts about broad spectrum CBD Oil

Let’s start with the most popular one.

They bear no THC

Tetrahydrocannabinol is the most effective stress and anxiety reliever. However, it comes with many side effects when used regularly. Hence, unlike other CBD oil derivatives, the broad spectrum CBD oil is known to have no THC properties. They are usually derived from A+ quality cannabis plants and hence the cannabinoids have higher efficacy. At the same time, the CBD extracts are mixed with many essential oils, vitamins, flavonoids, fatty acids, and minerals to enhance its working. As it has relatively nil side effects, they are best for regular usage. The formula has also been proven useful in reducing anxiety and stress in individuals while inducing sleep.

Help reduce neuropathic pain

The full extract CBD oil arrives with potent neuropathic properties. When ingested or applied, they easily get absorbed by the bloodstream. As the blood travels throughout the nervous system, the compounds make their way towards the pituitary gland. They stop the formation of stress and anxiety hormones by initiating relaxing hormones. Once a state of tranquility is achieved the individual can then feel relaxed, leading to a sound sleep cycle. Due to its faster effect, many psychiatrists often prefer the usage of full extract CBD for getting rid of anxiety, stress, and depression.

Come with “Entourage Effect”

All naturally-derived CBD oils such as full spectrum and broad spectrum are capable of offering an “entourage effect” to its user. This effect is generally accompanied by cannabinoids which use their full potential for therapeutic usage. Research has also shown that this effect can fasten the relief process in individuals. Using the formula regularly also shows positive physical changes.

Less processing than CBD isolate

Contrary to CBD isolate, the broad spectrum CBD oil is made up of all-organic products. While the former is highly processed and has no flavonoids and terpenes, the latter has all. This helps enhance the product’s absorption by the body, leading to reduced wastage by enzymes. Moreover, the broad spectrum oil consists of many essential components, which make sure the body gets optimal nutrition.

Benefits to the skin

The essential oils coupled with CBD also helps reduce skin issues, such as dermatitis, acne, psoriasis, etc. They do so by moisturizing the skin layers effectively while preventing the accumulation or breeding of microbes. Even more, the fatty acids help significantly reduce the aging process. This is done by averting oxidation of the cells and tissues. Many cosmetics also come infused with the goodness of CBD oil as they help in maintaining soft healthy skin.

Improves digestion

Not many people know that full spectrum CBD oil also offers enhanced digestion. As the cannabinoids ensure that the nervous system gradually gets relaxed, with regular usage many more benefits also pop up. A healthy body and a relaxed mind lead to lesser hyperactivity in neurons. This allows the hormones to act properly. So, users of full extract CBD oil often have a healthy gut system with no irregularities in bowel movement.

Cures sleep insomnia

Patients with severe insomnia disorders are prescribed using CBD oils. Ingesting or inhaling the formula a couple of minutes before sleep relaxes the mind instantly. According to many reports, regular usage has shown promising results including increasing sleep quality and duration. Moreover, as the benefits stay locked in for hours within the body with just a single usage, there is no risk for drug-dependence as in other sleeping pills.

Now if you’re impressed by the benefits of a broad spectrum CBD oil, try Clean Remedies (1200 mg) by Thrive Apothecary. It contains pure extracts of hemp and all the cannabinoids minus any THC. The oil gets easily diffused in your bloodstream and numbs your stress hormones instantly. The formula has a sweet smell and comes with no drug-dependency risks.



Thrive Apothecary CBD

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